Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get started?

Please allow the MSU World Class Teaching Program to assist you in starting your National Board Certification Journey.

New Candidates

1. Schedule a getting-started session with Stephanie McGee to get an overview of the certification process and develop a personal plan for your certification journey.  

2. Set up an account on National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Getting Certified Page. In the agreement section of registration (or later in your profile), please select "release to a third-party" to ensure the Mississippi Department of Education can view your name in the candidate database.

3. Register for Candidate Support with the MSU World Class Teaching Program.  In-State Registration Link or Out-of-State Registration Link 

4. Register for Virtual or Face-to-Face Component Sessions and a Candidate Support Mentor.


Returning and Advanced Candidates

1. Schedule a getting-started session with Stephanie McGee, to get an overview of the certification process and develop a personal plan for your certification journey.  

2. Register for Candidate Support with the MSU World Class Teaching Program.  In-State Registration Link or Out-of-State Registration Link 

3.  Register for Virtual or Face-to-Face Component Sessions and a Candidate Support Mentor.


Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Candidates

1. Schedule an intro session with Stephanie McGee to get an overview of the MOC process. 

2. Register for MOC Candidate Support with the MSU World Class Teaching Program.  In-State Registration Link or Out-of-State Registration Link 

3.  Register for Virtual or Face-to-Face MOC Introduction Session.

Pathway to National Board Certification PDF

How are mentors assigned?

Candidates will register for component session(s) and mentor, then attend the component session(s). After payment and attendance to the session(s), the WCTP director will pair the candidate and candidate support mentor. Candidates are assigned to the cohort of candidates in their certificate area when possible. A candidate support mentor’s main goal is to look for presence of the standards and Five Core Propositions within your components.

How do I get my refund for National Board fees from MDE?

You will need to take a copy of your email stating you have completed the process to your district personnel. Your business administrator/payroll clerk should go to the following website: MDE OSF Forms Link and select Master Teacher Request for Funds. Your district has to request the reimbursement of funds.

How do I pay for a mentor?

Register for each component session and candidate support mentor by completing the application at First-Time and Advanced Candidate WCTP Registration or MOC Candidate WCTP Registration.

How do I receive a mentor?

You will need to fill out the World Class Teaching Program application and return the application and your payment to the address at the bottom of the application.

How do I register for the National Board Certification Process?

Go to the following link: and click on the “Get Certified” button.

How do I register for WCTP?

Choose the link that describes you as a candidate at Support Programs, fill the application, and submit your payment.

What do I bring to the Component Sessions?

You will need to bring a current guide to National Board Certification, directions for components 1-4 in your certificate area, and standards for your certificate area.

What is the cost for the National Board Certification Process?


  • There is a $75 annual fee for the National Board Process.
  • There is a $475 fee for each component. There are four components.
  • NBPT Costs


  • Workshops are free for teachers registered with MSU's WCTP.
  • There is a $50 per component mentor fee.

Who can become a mentor?

Any National Board Certified Teacher. For the MSU World Class Teaching Program, someone in the recruiting area is preferred.